PRICE: 10.000.000 $

This website is for sale.

If the recipients or institutions wish to operate on the subject of this site;

I will send the feasibility report and all materials other than my NFT works related to the project via e-mail, and if they wish, I will provide mentoring for 3 months.

Those who are interested should send an e-mail to the following address for price offers:

Sales transactions will be made through Afternic

Important Note:

Additionally, the PEPUTO Token cryptocurrency project, which has a supply of 100 trillion units on the Polygon blockchain mainnet, is also ready. In case of sale of the website, the entire supply of crypto money will be transferred to the wallet of the purchasing institution or person in the Polygon network.

Our citizens are not just names on a digital page; they are the heart and soul of our micro nation.

Welcome to Peputo where dreams are nurtured, and the horizon knows no limits. Let us journey forward, hand in hand, to a world of boundless opportunity.

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